In Memory Of Karen Nicole Smith, 1972 - 2016

Egg And Aloo (curry egg with potato).

Did your mom fry the eggs after boiling them and before making the curry? While it seems that’s the traditional way of making this …
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Chadon Beni Honey Lime Roasted Chicken.

While it’s currently summertime and most of us in northern climates prefer to not have our indoor oven going, as explained in the video …
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Easy BBQ Pork Belly Stir Fry Recipe.

While I make excellent Chinese Crispy Skin BBQ Pork Belly, I started doing this stir fry recipe after having leftover BBQ Pork from Chinese BBQ …
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Chris "Uncle Chris" De La Rosa
Egg And Aloo (curry egg with potato).

Egg And Aloo (curry egg with potato).

Did your mom fry the eggs after boiling them and before making the curry? While it seems that’s the traditional way of making this comforting dish, our mom would simply boil the eggs and add…

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Egg And Aloo (curry egg with potato).

Did your mom fry the eggs after boiling them and before making the curry? While it seems that’s the traditional way of making this comforting dish, our mom would simply boil the eggs and add…

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Lychee Chow.

Lychee Chow.

Here’s yet another tropical fruit begging to made into a chow as we’ve done with pineapple, mango, Pommecythere and oranges. Essentially a quick sort of spicy pickle that as kids and even adults, we snack…

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Jamaican Callaloo With Saltfish Recipe.

Jamaican Callaloo With Saltfish Recipe.

Callaloo is yet another classic Caribbean recipe with different meanings across the region. In this case the ingredient (Green Amaranth) is the star and what gives the dish its name in Jamaica. While in other…

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Jamaican Callaloo With Saltfish Recipe.

Callaloo is yet another classic Caribbean recipe with different meanings across the region. In this case the ingredient (Green Amaranth) is the star and what gives the dish its name in Jamaica. While in other…

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Geera Pork Riblets.

Geera Pork Riblets.

Over the years we’ve done Chicken Liver, Chicken Hearts, Grilled Pork, Chicken and the classic Geera Pork. Recipes I’m all proud to have shared with you all. Today we’ll change up the technique a little…

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Geera Pork Riblets.

Over the years we’ve done Chicken Liver, Chicken Hearts, Grilled Pork, Chicken and the classic Geera Pork. Recipes I’m all proud to have shared with you all. Today we’ll change up the technique a little…

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Channa and Aloo with Shrimp.

Channa and Aloo with Shrimp.

I’m sure we can all agree that Curry Chickpeas (channa) with Potato (aloo) is insanely tasty and comforting, especially when you have freshly made Paratha Roti on the side. With that in mind, allow me…

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Channa and Aloo with Shrimp.

I’m sure we can all agree that Curry Chickpeas (channa) with Potato (aloo) is insanely tasty and comforting, especially when you have freshly made Paratha Roti on the side. With that in mind, allow me…

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Classic Caribbean Beef Cook-Up Rice.

Classic Caribbean Beef Cook-Up Rice.

Two years back we kicked off the New Year with my incredibly tasty Cook Up Rice, loaded with chicken, salted pigtail pieces and black eyed peas for the good luck associated with using it at…

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Classic Caribbean Beef Cook-Up Rice.