In Memory Of Karen Nicole Smith, 1972 - 2016

Simple Energizing Green Smoothie.

energizing green smoothie (1)

When I was a kid on the islands smoothies wasn’t a ‘thing”, however we did have ‘punches’! With milk (in most cases) as it’s base, they included many of the exotic tropical fruits we are blessed with in the Caribbean. Today you can still see many punch vendors (known as the “punch-man”) in all the major cities and towns, but smoothies are just as common and many people include them as part of their daily breakfast or workout regime.

With all the requests I’ve been getting lately, I’ve decided to dedicate a full week to smoothies for your enjoyment!

You’ll Need…

1 stick celery
1 mango
2 cups spinach
2-3 cups coconut water
1/2 avocado
2 thin slices of ginger
1 banana

Wash the spinach and drain, then give the celery a rough chop and add them both to your blender. Go in with the ripe banana, ginger (I didn’t even bother peeling it) as well as the peeled avocado and diced mango.

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energizing green smoothie (4)

Top with the coconut water and hit the puree or blend setting on your blender for a couple minutes (my blender had a smoothie setting). Feel free to add a few cubes of ice if you wish and frozen mango (pre packaged)  will work just as well as fresh mango if that’s all you have access to.

I usually chill my ingredients, especially the mango and coconut water so I don’t have use ice cubes, which can water-down this smoothie. Please drink immediately or you’ll find that it will not maintain in brilliant color and may start to break down (separate) after it’s been sitting for a while.

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* You can go in with a tablespoon or more of honey or agave, if you’d like to ad a bit more sweetness than what the banana and mango will already have.

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Simple Energizing Green Smoothie.
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