In Memory Of Karen Nicole Smith, 1972 - 2016

The Ultimate Ackee And Saltfish Recipe.

jamaican ackee and saltfish (16)

As many of you know, there’s been several “Ultimate” dishes I’ve shared in the past and I’d like to add this Ackee and Saltfish dish to that list of amazing meals.  We were fortunate to have visited Jamaica a few weeks ago and even more lucky to have our friend’s mom cook us a traditional breakfast while we were at their home in Portmore. I have to confess that it was my first experience with ackee and saltfish and how quickly did I fall in love with this, the national dish of Jamaica.

I don’t ever recall seeing any ackee trees or even hearing about eating it while growing up in Trinidad and Tobago (have to ask my dad the next time we chat), but I assure you that it would make a great addition to our rich landscape and I know it would quickly become a hit on many breakfast tables throughout the twin island republic.

In this recipe I’m using canned ackee, but I assure you that though it’s very delicious, it cannot compare to the fresh ackee that was prepared for us. (BTW, do you know that in Ontario, we pay in excess of $11 a can for ackee? That’s over $72 TT or $970 Jamaican dollars) Really have to go plant some trees and cash in on this.

You’ll Need…

1 can ackee (use fresh if you have – about 2 cups)
1/3 lb saltfish – boneless/skinless  (salted cod or other)
1 medium onion sliced
1 habanero or scotch bonnet pepper
fresh thyme (couple sprigs)
1 medium tomato cubed
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 tablespoon olive oil (see note below)
2 scallions
1/4 medium sweet bell pepper
2 cloves garlic

Note: I like using olive oil, but you can use vegetable oil or butter as I’ve seen some people do. Since we’ll be using salted fish, there’s no need for any salt in this dish. Finally, if using canned ackee as I did, do handle with care or it will break-up easily and become “mush”.

Start by putting the dry salted fish to boil in a pot on high heat, then simmer for about 20 minutes (you can also soak in cold water overnight before boiling if you wish). I try my best to get the boneless/skinless saltfish as it makes for less work. After boiling drain, rinse under cool water and squeeze dry. Now break apart into the size pieces you like. I’ve seen people use a fork to sort of shred the saltfish, but I find that I like the texture of large flakes. Also, this allows me to actually taste the saltfish when eating.

jamaican ackee and saltfish (3)

jamaican ackee and saltfish (4)

jamaican ackee and saltfish (6)

jamaican ackee and saltfish (7)

While the saltfish was boiling to remove the excess salt that is was cured in (also re-hydrates and tenderizes the fish), I prepared the ingredients that we’ll be using in this dish.

jamaican ackee and saltfish (2)

jamaican ackee and saltfish (5)

In a large sauce pan, heat the oil on medium heat (or if want you can use butter or margarine), I love the flavour the cold press extra virgin olive oil gives to this dish. Then add the garlic, sliced onions and scotch bonnet pepper. Allow that to cook for a couple minutes (until the onion softens up a bit), then add the sweet pepper (bell pepper) scallion, black pepper,  and thyme. Allow this to cook for a couple minutes, then add the pieces of saltfish and cook for another 3-5 minutes. To prevent the tomato becoming too mushy, I now add it to the sauce pan and let it warm through for about a minute or two. Remember to stir, so all the ingredients get a chance to marry and explode with spectacular flavor.

jamaican ackee and saltfish (8)

jamaican ackee and saltfish (9)

jamaican ackee and saltfish (10)

jamaican ackee and saltfish (11)

jamaican ackee and saltfish (12)

Now is time to add the star of the show. Now here’s the thing about canned ackee.. it’s VERY fragile. So after I open the can, I pour everything into a strainer and run cold water over it. Just to remove that liquid it’s been packed in. After this drains, I add it to the saucepan with everything else, but I DON’T stir with a spoon. I use two forks and gently toss it with the other ingredients. The trick is not to break it apart, or you’ll end up with a huge pot of mush. After adding the ackee, it takes a minute or two for it to heat through and absorb all those wonderful layers of flavor we built.

jamaican ackee and saltfish (13)

jamaican ackee and saltfish (15)

jamaican ackee and saltfish (14)

jamaican ackee and saltfish

It’s amazing how simple, yet tasty this dish is. Very similar to the tomato and saltfish we make in Trinbago, except you add the ackee which gives it a unique taste and texture. It looks very much like scrambled eggs, but I assure you that no scramble eggs will ever taste like this.

That lovely morning outside Kingston we had boiled green banana (green fig), yam, dumplings and some of the best bread I’ve ever had (hard dough) and we washed it all down with a piping hot cup of Milo sweetened with my favorite… condensed milk.



It’s that time again – we’re giving away the following cookbook (see above) to one lucky person for the month of April.  All you have to do is leave me a comment in the comments section below (please say something about this recipe) and your name will be automatically entered to win this amazing cookbook, highlighting the art of mastering pasta dishes. Yup! Not Caribbean, but a wonderful way to  learn some Italian cooking with easy step by step recipes. There are two bonus ways you can have your name entered in the contest, giving you 3 chances at winning. Along with leaving a comment below, go to the Facebook fan page and/or the Youtube cooking channel and leave a comment  there. I don’t care what your comment is, but it would be nice if you could tell me what you like about Caribbean food and if the recipes I share are helpful.

Here are the rules pertaining to winning the copy of “Pasta Step By Step Cookbook”…

– contest is open to everyone globally

– there are 3 ways to enter your name (see above)

– 1 winner will be chosen at random (if you left 3 comments, your name will be entered 3 times)

– contest is open from April 14 – to midnight April 30.

– winner will be announced within 1 week of the official close date.

– the winner will have 1 week to contact us with mailing address

– we will cover all shipping expenses (standard mail)

I hope you take a moment to enter your name as I’d really like to mail this cookbook out to you. It’s simple, free and a great way to experiment with some Italian cooking. Good luck to everyone who enters.

Happy cooking


recipe image
Recipe Name
The Ultimate Jamaican Ackee And Saltfish Recipe.
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Average Rating
3.51star1star1star1stargray Based on 47 Review(s)


  1. Geoff Richards
    June 3, 2019 / 12:39 pm

    Ackee & saltfish is one of my top 5 dishes on the planet, but it MUST be served with rice & peas. Red Stripe optional, LOL.

  2. Gernice Foy
    April 17, 2019 / 3:17 pm

    I cook this dish at least twice a month, and will be cooking it for Easter Sunday breakfast, with boiled banana, white yam and callaloo, maybe a piece of dasheen. Breakfast is going to Awesome!

  3. Suzanne
    March 7, 2019 / 5:49 pm


    My understanding is that Trinis are afraid of ackee, so they won’t touch it. I got lots of ackee when I lived in Trinidad but my Trinidadian friends swore I was poisoning them because they were told that ackee is poisonous.

  4. Cindy
    January 2, 2019 / 7:52 pm

    I am planning to make this for our cultural dinner group tomorrow. How many servings is this recipe?

  5. Tricia
    January 4, 2017 / 10:24 pm

    Mmmmhmmmm, so good. Sometimes my mom makes ackee with corn pork instead of saltfish. That also is so good.

    • John Christian
      August 2, 2017 / 8:13 pm

      Try Ackee with smoked red herring, along with the usual Seasonings of Onions, garlic, green Peppers, thyme and Skellio
      ns as a garnish

  6. tanu
    August 12, 2016 / 8:31 pm

    I love this recipe and make it once a month or so. The main problem is the cost of the ackees. To solve this problem I buy Grace ackees for $4.97 a can in Toronto when they go on sale at my local No Frills [reg. $7.97 a can]. I buy 4 or 5 cans at a time to stock up and to last until the next time they go on sale.

  7. gerona mcleod
    March 21, 2016 / 10:59 pm

    your instruction is very precise and easy to learn even for a non caribbean person

  8. Z
    February 18, 2016 / 9:28 pm

    Made this for breakfast today and it was delicious! It was the first time I’ve made Ackee & Saltfish what a simple and tasty way to share them flavors! Thank you for your love in giving us a really great Acker & Saltfish!

  9. Jenny Ford
    February 17, 2016 / 5:35 pm

    I tried your method of the Ackee and Saltfish, I was very impressed, it was so easy, I am also trying to make dumplings to go with it:) Thank you.

  10. JimmyP
    November 3, 2015 / 5:25 am

    I am from Jamaica, and I have never seen anybody prepared saltfish for ackee preparation without boiling it. Neither have I ever seen anybody adding canned, diced tomatoes to this succulent dish as suggested by JAmberr above. Your friends taught you well. So, hats off to you, my friend. You got the recipe down to a T. It is so sad when we become expert on things everything. Ask all the Jamaicans you know and they will concur with what I am saying to you.

  11. Jill
    March 20, 2015 / 5:53 pm

    I haven’t had ackee and saltfish since my last trip to Jamaica in 2007. I just found it in MY LOCAL SUPERMARKET!!! Happy happy joy joy!! Now I can have it whenever I want. Thanks for the recipe, can’t wait to make it.

  12. February 14, 2015 / 2:57 am

    just found your recipe for ackee and saltfish. I am going to serve it as a starter in a puff pastry case for my next dinner party. keep up the good work.

    January 17, 2015 / 1:44 pm

    I am request permission to use some of your articles in my book the history of food to help this and the next generation to live healthier lives.

    • admin
      January 17, 2015 / 11:51 pm

      Please use the contact link above to provide full details.

  14. Hollie
    November 25, 2014 / 7:43 pm

    I’ve made this dish several times. I am truly grateful for your recipes. Keep up the amazing dishes.

  15. shine
    August 20, 2014 / 6:21 pm

    Tried this recipe an it was delish. Will go low on the scotch bonnet though.

  16. Donna K.
    March 8, 2014 / 6:59 pm

    I Followed your recipe to a “T”;My Ackee & Saltfish came out FABULOUS!
    The only thing I added was some organic Coconut oil & some powdered Coconut milk..Wow..Now here in Brooklyn, New York, USA I don’t have to venture out to a Caribbean Restaurant in order to savor some Ackee & Saltfish. To complement the recipe I fried (in coconut oil) some breadfruit slices & I boiled some Korean Yam! Even my 78 year old Panamanian Parents were impressed!! Delicioso!! Gracias Caribbean Pot!

  17. JAmberr
    March 8, 2014 / 12:54 pm

    As a Jamaican through and through I can tell you this much. Saltfish and Ackee original recipe like this one is dry and bland and only suitable for a light, plain breakfast. For a good hearty meal You need to add a can of chopped tomatoes and some Jamaican Jerk seasoning and some garlic before adding fish and Ackee. Also do NOT BOIL saltfish. Leave it to soak in cold water for at LEAST 24 hours, drain, simmer very, very gently for 25 minutes before you add to the frying pan or you will end up with stiff, chewy fish.

    • Hollie
      November 25, 2014 / 7:44 pm

      This is true, as this did happen to me. Thanks for the tip.

  18. janet
    March 4, 2014 / 12:47 pm

    You make this wonderful recipe so easy to follow, can’t wait to try to cook it myself!

  19. Lesley
    January 17, 2014 / 3:40 pm

    This is a must try recipe all the flavours I like ,always wanting to try new recipes looking forward to trying this and much more .

  20. Neshanoe
    October 19, 2013 / 11:19 am

    Tried the recipe and it came out greAt! Thanks for the easy steps and the pictures really helped.
    Moved from NY to TX and these dishes are not the norm so being able to make it myself was awesome.

  21. Sarita
    August 15, 2013 / 3:19 pm

    thank you for posting this. Here in S. Fla in our backyard we have an ackee tree and up until now I’ve been relying on my neighbor and mother-in-law to make it for me. I made it and everyone loved it! Thank you!

  22. Sarita
    August 15, 2013 / 3:19 pm

    thank you for posting this. Here in S. Fla in our backyard we have an ackee tree and up until now I’ve been relying on my neighbor and motger-in-law to make it for me. I made it and everyone loved it! Thank you!

    • Veronica
      January 7, 2015 / 1:26 pm

      So lucky to have a whole tree available at your disposal. I have been searching for the ackee fruit for more than 2 years to no avail. Tried this food somewhere and loved it but can’t seem to remember where. You would make a lot of money selling it to me

  23. hillary
    March 31, 2013 / 11:54 am

    Hi Chris,
    I've been making this for years from a recipe I got from some Jamaican girls I work with. The only difference is they didn't use garlic. Ill try it your way and see how it compares. Thanks for the tips!

  24. George SA M/SIDE
    November 16, 2012 / 2:32 am

    have always loved ackee and salt fish so had my family bring me some from the UK as i now live in South Africa so now i am atempting to cook myself hope it turns out like my Moms .

  25. Corey ( Bkny)
    October 30, 2012 / 8:20 pm

    This recipe is simple and it came out GREAT!!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

  26. Cha
    April 17, 2012 / 6:13 pm

    Your recipe is on point! I wasn’t into using can but then I thought, I won’t make it to Jamaica til fall to get the real deal so I caved in. This is my favorite dish and I had to try to make it myself……in two words….. Thank You!!

  27. Joan Daley
    April 5, 2012 / 3:08 pm

    I am from Jamaica,and ackee and saltfish is our National dish,I never tried the tin ackee,I have a tree at home so I used it straight from the tree. I love your recipe.

  28. Sharon Howell
    March 22, 2012 / 1:30 pm

    It was one of the quickest recipe i've seen & love the step by step with pictures. Ackee & saltfish is one of my fav Ja dish with green bananas & dumplings. aaawww sweet.

  29. Serena
    March 22, 2012 / 8:49 am

    I just love Ackee and Saltfish. Wake me up at midnight and give me some… I won't refuse it.

  30. Peart
    October 15, 2011 / 5:13 pm

    Great video. Even if you don't have fresh thyme, use the dried one – it is a must. When I add the ackee, to avoid it breaking up, I put it under the broiler briefly without disturbing it. When it is heated through (watch it, do not let it burn), I turn it over in a dish and using a spatula, gently turn it over a couple times. Also, experiment with different brands of ackee, some are firmer than others.

  31. Andreza
    July 24, 2011 / 2:19 pm

    wow! just done it and it tastes real good! I'm from Brazil and I absolutely love caribbean cuisine! thank you for the recipe!!!!

  32. June 14, 2011 / 7:30 pm

    You’ve got great insights about recipes, keep up the good work!

  33. Patsy
    May 18, 2011 / 2:48 pm

    I don't see where to claim the cook book

  34. Janice Forde
    April 30, 2011 / 2:19 pm

    I’ve always wanted to try ackee and saltfish, but never did. I tried one of your shrimp recipes recently and was quite impressed! I trust your recipes, so I’m looking forward to your pasta dishes.

  35. Elaine
    April 28, 2011 / 10:01 pm

    I sure hope I am lucky enough to win this cookbook

  36. Terence
    April 28, 2011 / 9:21 pm

    I love this site!!!

  37. nicol_jo
    April 28, 2011 / 7:03 pm

    Hi Chris! It's about time you had ackee and salt fish on here…ok, being half Jamaican I am a little byass, lol! Just a little note I like my ackee and salt fish to have some excess liquid so I use more oil, like maybe 4 tablespoon and then we put a cover on the pot when all the ingredients are added to lightly steam the ackee and veggies so more liquid to develop but not too long because then it can become mushy like you mentioned. Well, I hope I win the book because I love cooking pasta!

  38. savi
    April 28, 2011 / 6:26 pm

    lovely recipe, looking forward to more interesting recipes

  39. Jessica Solomon
    April 28, 2011 / 5:47 pm

    i loooooooooovvvvvveeeeee it! omg this is one of the best things to do with saltfish! 🙂

  40. Kim
    April 28, 2011 / 3:29 pm

    I love salt-fish but I have never had Ackee : ( It looks delicious in this recipe!

  41. Shameena P
    April 28, 2011 / 2:02 pm

    Hey Mr. Chris;)

    I buy a platter of ackee and salt fish, 2 festivals, plantain and dumplings every Sunday!! Now I’ll be making it using your recipe!!! The corn soup was a hit so I’m sure this one will be equally delish!!

  42. Sueling
    April 28, 2011 / 2:00 pm

    Looking forward to more recipes from you. I have never had ackee. Is the canned stuff any good? I don't know where I'd find it around here (Canada west coast).

  43. pree
    April 27, 2011 / 1:45 pm

    this recipe is soooo yummy i love it & so does everyone I make it for 😀

  44. Sherise W
    April 26, 2011 / 5:57 pm

    Love all the recipes………. this one is no different. Not too sure i can get all the ingredients needed here in London, but i'll try….if not i'll just add it to my recipe vault until i do, but it sure looks scrumptious

    keep the recipes coming……..Yum Yum Yum

  45. kerry
    April 26, 2011 / 10:00 am

    Wow Chris, thanks for the recipe of the akee and saltfish, my mom used to make it for us when we were younger, but now we have to try it on our own…..Enjoyed this recipe and can't wait to take it for a test drive…lol

  46. Liz
    April 26, 2011 / 9:18 am

    hi, i enjoy all the recipes and i am sure i will enjoy this cookbook as well. this recipe today is one to make. thank you for another wonderful meal. Hope you enjoyed your easter holidays.

  47. kerry
    April 26, 2011 / 9:04 am

    I already have a pack of angel hair pasta and some shrimps waiting patiently for the PREFECT recipe……Send that book to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. lol

  48. kerry
    April 26, 2011 / 9:03 am

    Wow Chris, thanks for the recipe of the akee and saltfish, my mom used to make it for us when we were younger, but now we have to try it on our own…..Enjoyed this recipe and can't wait to take it for a test drive…lol
    Now that Italian/Pasta recipe book, is the real thing, I love love LOVE pasta, and all of it sauces and meats, my mouth is watering just thinking about it….Please enter my name in the hat…Thanksssssss much. My eyes, fingers, toes, lungs and everything else possible is crossed.

  49. afeisha jones
    April 25, 2011 / 9:21 pm

    this looks great sorry i didnt see it in time for Good Friday! great work i do look at your emails, however i havent tried any Yet! but i will.
    This is my entry 🙂

  50. Sally
    April 25, 2011 / 7:33 pm

    Hi Chris, just love each and every one of your recipes. Your Ackee and saltfish recipe looks totally delicious, it's something I've never tried before, but have heard a lot about.. Ackee is not easily available in Trinidad, at least I haven't a clue where to get some, never seen it in the market…definitely will be looking on the supermarket shelves to see if the tinned version is available…would love to cook up a batch and enjoy the delicious taste myself.

  51. Naz
    April 25, 2011 / 5:36 pm

    Finally!!!! I am so greatful to you for you easy recipes and also the fact that the ingredients are readily available here in Trinidad… My husband and I are great buljol fans, but now this gives us a new twist to our fave dish! Thanks a million!!!

  52. elaine
    April 25, 2011 / 2:05 pm

    I think I will pass on this one I keep hearing that ackee can be poisonous so I am leaving it right where it is

    • Sonia
      April 26, 2011 / 7:56 am

      Ackee is only poisinous if they are not fully opened when they come fresh off the tree. Canned ackee is safe. I encourage you to try it.

  53. Farzana
    April 25, 2011 / 7:32 am

    Well I love salt fish, but I've never tried this recipe so I'm eager to do so. Tried lot of recipes from the site and they never disappoint. I hope you can help me get my Italian on. 🙂 Thanks for all the great food!!!

  54. Eileen Taylor
    April 25, 2011 / 6:53 am

    I am so very happy I stumbled on your site. The recipes are all so enticing. I have never had ackee but am familiar with buljol. I have already requested some ackee from my Jamaican girlfriend and will definitely try this. I am so excited to try all of your other recipes and share them with my children and feel like royalty when I share the results with my American friends. Thanks alot.

  55. Nadira
    April 24, 2011 / 4:31 pm

    This recipe looks really yummy and easy to prepare

  56. Siri
    April 24, 2011 / 10:49 am

    Ackee is perfectly safe when done properly.

  57. Ninette C--Bird
    April 24, 2011 / 10:03 am

    Salt Fish Is a Sunday Morning Breakfast Staple here on St. Kitts… Some times its done with Akee if available , but most times . just lots of onions . tomatoe and spiced up with a local hotsauce… i try cooking it in many ways … some times even in a rice cookup , which also has Chicken and some kind of pork , like maybe some good old pig tails… Yum ,yum.. But I still love just a nice plate of salt fish , topped with some sliced tomatoes and cucumbers .. . and some fried bread like bakes , or a nice Local butter bread… and to wash that down , I love my coffee…with a hint of clove or cayenne pepper in it ..

  58. Pearl
    April 24, 2011 / 8:14 am

    Wow i never tried ackee or taught about cooking it with salt fish, but i had friends over and wanted to try something different so i tried this dish, i was starring my friends loved it, my cooking has improved a lot with the step by step pictures i have a very good idea of what i am doing. My grandmother would of been proud since she said i couldn't even boil water. lol

  59. Tyla
    April 24, 2011 / 4:35 am

    there is nothig better than ackee ad saltfish

  60. Michelle
    April 23, 2011 / 11:56 pm

    Was lucky enough to have this two week in a row… Once for my birthday last week and yesterday for Easter… So very happy my parents are Jamaican. Ur re ripe is very close to how the do it… Thanks for sharing my favorite dish…….

  61. Patrice
    April 23, 2011 / 8:26 pm

    shared this recipe with a relative and got positive feedback for you.

  62. Patrice
    April 23, 2011 / 8:25 pm

    love this recipe. just reading it made my mouth water. thanks so much for sharing

  63. Basdai Gopaul
    April 23, 2011 / 2:24 pm

    I never had akhee but will definately try this one cause i am a lover of salt fish.Thanks ror d recipes..I enjoy making them.

  64. basdai gopaul
    April 23, 2011 / 2:13 pm

    Hi i never had akhee but am a lover of saltfish but will definately try it….

  65. pamela miller
    April 23, 2011 / 11:48 am

    I have enjoyed reading your posts and the amazing recipes you share from your native home. I will be trying this recipe of Ackee and Saltfish very oon

  66. Dria
    April 23, 2011 / 9:43 am

    great recipe, thanks for sharing

  67. dria
    April 23, 2011 / 9:18 am

    Thank you so much for sharing your recipes with us, hailing from SVG. . .I've had cod fish yesterday and it was so yummy, I've never tried it with the ackee though 😀 some day will do that for sure. Continue to inspire all of us.

    Stay bless & lots of love. . .

  68. Silvia
    April 23, 2011 / 9:03 am

    I tried your recipe and it tasted awesome…thx again for sharing

    Happy Easter

  69. Shermz
    April 23, 2011 / 6:27 am

    I’m loving all the recipies on Caribbean pot, and all the different names of different foods from the west indies.

  70. Shermz
    April 23, 2011 / 6:24 am

    Thank you for the recipie, now I know how to make it myself, I am defineately going to try it out.

  71. Shermz
    April 23, 2011 / 6:22 am

    I haven’t had ackee and saltfish in a long time.

  72. Ronnie
    April 23, 2011 / 6:01 am

    tried some of the recipes will be trying this one as well

  73. Amalia
    April 23, 2011 / 5:23 am

    I had ackee and salt fish once as a child. my dad was the cooked because my mom was sick must of the time. I never forgot that wonderful dish. Thanks for bringing memories and sharing your delicious step by step recipes. Happy Easter and be blessed with the fullest measure of heavenly joy.

  74. Tara
    April 22, 2011 / 9:39 pm

    My daughter is looking at your ackee recipe pics and asking to cook this…correction – asking ME to cook this. Your recipe is appreciated.

  75. stress_kn
    April 22, 2011 / 6:20 pm

    I love salt fish….my daughter loves it too. Never tried it with ackee so it was be a welcoming gift to learn the recipe. Will try it out.

  76. Gregory H. Subero
    April 22, 2011 / 6:15 pm

    Salt fish Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  77. Oldst Owns
    April 22, 2011 / 2:18 pm

    I love pasta so naturally I would appreciate a recipe book on pasta. This book will help me convince my kids to eat pasta for sure.

  78. cynthia
    April 22, 2011 / 1:43 pm

    Hey Chris,
    Just love receiving your recipes but unfortunately some of the ingredients are not available here. I have tried a few of your recipes and I must say they are delicious. I would really love to get this book, but I have not entered for the simple reason that when I receive any books etc. from outside europe we have to pay for importing.

  79. Xanthia
    April 22, 2011 / 9:32 am

    Looking forward to trying this dish!

  80. arleen
    April 22, 2011 / 8:35 am

    This is a fantastic way to enter the competition, love your pages especially "Name the fruit/dish" the one with the chatigne was great, keep up the good work, have hooked some friends unto the page, really love the step by step directions!!!!!

  81. Philis
    April 22, 2011 / 6:18 am

    🙁 Not seeing my previous post. Well this is the first i've heard of ackee and i look forward to your delicious recipes.

  82. Mel Davis
    April 22, 2011 / 3:21 am

    I can't get on with Ackee, my digestion just says no! lol But I love saltfish and so when I cook your recipie Chris, I just omit the Ackee. My mum (from Jamaica) used to make the most delicious but HOT saltfish fritters, part of the enjoyment of them was actually burning your mouth out! 😀

  83. Hazel
    April 21, 2011 / 11:41 pm

    Hi Chris,
    I totally love your recipies; haven't had much free time to experiment in the kitchen lately, but the ackee recipe is next. Thanks for sharing.

  84. Lennox King
    April 21, 2011 / 9:47 pm

    Ackee and saltfish is the best
    coconut bake and homemade grapefruit juice to complete the meal

  85. MMM
    April 21, 2011 / 9:24 pm

    Glad I found your site. My dad was from T'dad. I only visited family there as a child.
    My Parents died about 8 years ago – I don't have any of my dad's recipes…
    He cooked most of our meals as my mom worked nights!
    Once again I so appreciate your site.. I love that you take LOTS of pictures to help show what you mean. The photos are a big help. THANK YOU. please enter me into the contest for the cookbook! .

  86. maxine
    April 21, 2011 / 9:12 pm

    Chris a coworker and i tried the Ackee and Saltfish recipe. It turned out soooo good. It was my first time having ackee and saltfish. She makes her own saltfish so it wasn't new to her. We had it at work for a potluck. There was nothing left. You couldn't even tell what was served in the dish. The bowl look as if it was licked clean…lol Thank you so much for your fantastic receipes!

  87. Karris Marin-McLetchie
    April 21, 2011 / 7:01 pm

    Happy Easter to you and your family Chris this ackee and saltfish dish sounds like a wonderful one to make for the holiday

  88. Dblea
    April 21, 2011 / 6:48 pm

    Hi Chis
    Thanks again for these wonderful recipes. Just looking at the photos especially the ackee and salt fish above, make my mouth water, and they bring back so many memories. I am not Jamaican, but have tried it a few times and just love it.

  89. April 21, 2011 / 6:16 pm

    I tried to cook it once but it didn't come out as nice as yours!

  90. Kisha
    April 21, 2011 / 6:06 pm

    Is there a substitute or something that tastes similiar?

  91. Kisha
    April 21, 2011 / 6:04 pm

    Is there a substitute for ackee or something that tastes similiar?

  92. Kisha
    April 21, 2011 / 6:03 pm

    I didn’t know ackee came in a tin. I wish we could get this in Trinidad so that I could try it.

  93. colinda
    April 21, 2011 / 6:01 pm

    I tried this recipe and it was delicious

  94. latina
    April 21, 2011 / 5:34 pm

    My husband loves salt fish ..ty

  95. nicole
    April 21, 2011 / 5:14 pm

    never had ackee before but i'm willing to give it a try

  96. Leon torres
    April 21, 2011 / 5:04 pm

    I have tried a few of your recipes and they came out tasty as it look in your pics.will try the stir fry shrimps soon

  97. D Holloway
    April 21, 2011 / 3:48 pm

    Your recipes are wonderful!! I have even changed some of my own recipes I have used for years based on yours. And this is yet another wonderful recipe. I am trying to eat more fish, so this is great!

  98. Ivory Fields Sr
    April 21, 2011 / 3:39 pm

    I can't wait to try this dish,as soon as i get all of the items.

  99. April 21, 2011 / 2:55 pm

    This dish looks absolutely amazing – I love that you added egg…I do this often!

    I had never heard of Ackee before. Hmmm…I'm going to do some more research on that.

    Thanks for this!

    Kimberly Edwards

    • Frosty
      September 1, 2012 / 12:54 pm

      That's not egg you are seeing, it's the Ackee. It sorts of looks like egg, and sort of tastes like a nutty egg, it is simply "The Best" !!!!! I have a bag of fresh Ackee on my kitchen counter that a Jamaican friend gave me this morning. Can't wait to get in there a start cooking. Yum, I was just looking around to see if there were any new ways to do the Ackee.
      Good luck and good tastes.

  100. Gale
    April 21, 2011 / 2:48 pm

    i never knew ackee came in a tin.. i would have to look for it

  101. Silvia
    April 21, 2011 / 2:12 pm

    oh…Akee and saltfish was one of my favorite dishes I ate in Jamaica…thanks for sharing the recipe…now I will go and get me some saltfish to fix this delicous dish…mmmm…yummy

    thx Chris for sharing

  102. corinne
    April 21, 2011 / 1:59 pm

    Now I’m craving some saltfish. We didn’t grow up with the sclerosis part in the Virgin Islands but it looks do good!

  103. corinne
    April 21, 2011 / 1:57 pm

    Chris, pick me! Pick me!….lol

  104. Nina
    April 21, 2011 / 1:36 pm

    I've had Ackee and saltfish a few times years ago and didn't like it. I've since developed a love for Bujol, so maybe I should try once more. Like for you, ackee is crazy expensive but maybe I'll treat myself.

  105. Maureen
    April 21, 2011 / 11:36 am

    Hi Chris, the ackee and saltfish looks delicious. I will have to try it soon. Keep putting out those great recipes.

  106. vashti
    April 20, 2011 / 9:34 pm

    i'm not a pasta lover but after trying some of your recipes i have to have this book….maybe i can be drawn to the pasta loving side and you are the only person to help me do that! keep up the great work

  107. Claudette
    April 20, 2011 / 6:23 pm

    Hey Chris,
    Looking forward to your response, as I also have never had ackee and curious to know if its available in Trinidad, tin or otherwise. Thanks for sharing another outstanding, detailed and colourful recipe.

  108. Sameer
    April 20, 2011 / 5:54 pm

    Hey guys,

    I am really a novice cook……..never had to cook for myself my entire life, but i have begun to try a lil thing here and there when i am brave enough. Anyway, i love salt fish and i know the wife will love if i ease her up and make it for breakfast.
    So I am looking forward to trying this recipe.

  109. Roz
    April 19, 2011 / 10:03 pm

    I think I will definitely have to try it

  110. akisha
    April 19, 2011 / 6:15 pm

    yummie yummie… i want some..:)

  111. Mellissa
    April 19, 2011 / 3:45 pm

    I am a Jamaican by birth , I live in Baltimore Maryland . I must say that I don't eat ackee but I love salt fish. To compliment ackee and saltfish a must have is fried Johnny cakes they go well together.

    • Michelle
      April 23, 2011 / 11:57 pm

      I agree with you Mellissa.

  112. gailene
    April 19, 2011 / 3:44 pm

    Ackee ans saltfish is really yummy!!!!!!!! I've never done it, i got it from my Jamaican friends.Now i got the recipe am going to do it on my own. Thank u Chris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  113. Siri
    April 19, 2011 / 2:53 pm

    @Candy who is a vegan, you can have the ackee cooked up with the seasonings without the saltfish.

  114. dezzy
    April 19, 2011 / 10:44 am

    Chris some good old….coconut bake will do fine with this saltfish…hmmmm…..i can taste it now….

  115. Siri
    April 19, 2011 / 10:03 am

    It is so funny to see the Grace Brand of Ackee, because you barely see it here in Jamaica lately, it is mostly exported.

    • TKB
      March 5, 2013 / 3:10 pm

      Don't need it if you have the trees in your back yard.

  116. Rhona
    April 19, 2011 / 6:59 am

    Ackee and saltfish looks yummy! Its a dish I’ve always wanted to try but wasn’t quite sure how to make it. Thanks for this recipe Chris!

  117. Dianne King
    April 18, 2011 / 11:37 pm

    Salt fish and Crix that is what I am craving right now. Just looking at that salt fish made my mouth water.

  118. Petra
    April 18, 2011 / 5:19 pm

    Hi, I did not grow up eating ackee & salt fish in Trini but was introduced to it by some Jamaican friends and I love it!! Have not had it for a long time – not since i moved out of NY. Makes my mouth water to think of it, but I don't know of any place where i live now where i could buy ackee.

  119. Greta George
    April 18, 2011 / 4:24 pm

    In Trinidad I can't remembering seeing ackee in the supermarkets, but I will surely arrange to get me a tin and try this recipe

  120. Gale
    April 18, 2011 / 8:53 am

    Could use some of that for breakfast today! yum!

  121. Veronique C
    April 18, 2011 / 7:46 am

    I have tried a few of your dishes love them…

  122. April 18, 2011 / 2:50 am

    hi i love ackee and salt fish my favorite its got everything you need in a good meal i eat mine with rice and peas and 2 fry dumplngs it always reminds me when i was in jamaica and always reminds me of friends the recipe here is a great one loved it keep up the good work thanks tony

  123. Nicole George
    April 17, 2011 / 8:34 pm

    Chris,I really love ur recipies however, i"ve never had achee, will really love to try it . Idon"t think we get it in trinidad.

  124. Anna K
    April 17, 2011 / 6:23 pm

    I will be trying this recipe.

  125. Anemone
    April 17, 2011 / 6:03 pm

    I am a vege…i love to fish…and Ketch crab…but can only do that for holidays when i go to Trinidad…I use extra firm Tofu to make scrambled tofu in the same way you would make scrambled eggs…hopefully i cud use the ideas in this recipe and the combination of ingredients…to come up with something…maybe not as great as the saltfish, ackee recipe.

  126. sujeeta
    April 17, 2011 / 5:29 pm

    Ackee in Tin? this is the first time I know this…going to the grocery to see if its available!

  127. sujeeta
    April 17, 2011 / 5:28 pm

    Pasta cook book…will be great to learn more recipes!

  128. Sujeeta
    April 17, 2011 / 5:25 pm

    This looks really good……

  129. Christine
    April 17, 2011 / 3:44 pm

    Went to Jamaica last year, was travelling for the first time. And at the hotel we were staying ,ackee and saltfish was one of the main breakfast dishes.So literally I was introduced to it . I fell in love,to me the ackee looked like scrambled eggs I boasted to my family when I returned.

  130. basdai gopaul
    April 17, 2011 / 2:34 pm

    I love ur recipes.I never had achkee but will try it soon.I am a lover of saltfish.

  131. adam ferreira
    April 16, 2011 / 7:48 pm

    i wish i could get ackee where i live
    it's a shame
    saltfish i can get
    ackee, no go
    i can smell the grace of that meal through the picture
    big up!!!

  132. Linda Pachal
    April 16, 2011 / 6:52 pm

    I have never tried ackee. I've heard of it though and from the picture accompanying the recipe, it does look delicious. Is ackee a fruit/vegetable? It's definitely something I might give a try if someone else cooks it for me though (LOL) as I have no experience in cooking ackee.

  133. Cecelia..
    April 16, 2011 / 3:15 pm

    I usually use my saltfish and make buljol..was always nervous to use akee..thought it would turn to pap..picked up a can of akee yesterday, tried it this morning and ….DANG!!!!!…it tasted gooodddd, also added the thyme…WOW!!!..will be making this from now on….LOVED IT!!!!!…THANK YOU CHRIS!!!!!!

  134. Sherry Voss
    April 16, 2011 / 6:47 am

    Hi Chris,thanks for the recipe, I too fell in love the first time I had it, talked so much and for so long that my friend got me a plant its doing well and I am hoping to get ackee fresh from the garden soon.
    Best regards

  135. Monica
    April 16, 2011 / 4:10 am

    Ackee and saltfish reminds me of breakfast on Christmas morning served up with green bananas. Absolutely scrumtious!! Will definitely not be waiting for Christmas to eat this again.

  136. bridget
    April 15, 2011 / 9:15 pm

    Yum yum I wish I had this plate of saltfish in my hand right now, oils awesome. I love saltfish, looking at these pic made me so hungry.

  137. Shafiran Mohammed
    April 15, 2011 / 8:29 pm

    I tried the stew fish recipe – taste wonderful

  138. Carol
    April 15, 2011 / 8:17 pm

    I love all the color of this recipe! It looks great! And the other recipes I have tried are wonderful! My son is a fan of the food! LOL!

  139. Alicia
    April 15, 2011 / 7:31 pm

    The pasta recipe is so great. My son is a very picky eater, he doesn't eat rice, but loves any kind of pasta. Your recipes are a great mix to keep him eating healthy and not get bored. Thanks.

  140. Sheba
    April 15, 2011 / 7:06 pm

    This looks as scrumptious as you get in JA.

  141. Philis
    April 15, 2011 / 7:04 pm

    This dish looks absolutely mouth watering. Never heard of Ackee until you posted, to only then learn that it is the national dish of Jamaica. Tell me where can I find Ackee in Trinidad?

  142. Joanne
    April 15, 2011 / 5:29 pm

    i never eat Ackee before….but will like to give it a try…..this dish look's delicious.

  143. Stacia
    April 15, 2011 / 4:37 pm

    Never had ackee, but asked my neighbor if she could make some for me….ah still waiting

    • Karris Marin-McLetchie
      April 15, 2011 / 5:02 pm

      Will love to try your ackee and salt fish dish sounds wonderful

  144. Stacia
    April 15, 2011 / 4:36 pm

    Salt fish is a must have in my house…..we have it with ground provisions & dumplings…….yum yum tasty….will definitely be having it next week during holy week

  145. Stacia
    April 15, 2011 / 4:34 pm

    Hope I win the cook book….when I was preggo, I craved pasta & had my coworker going to the restaurant at least 3-4 times a week so we could have pasta…….

  146. Laura
    April 15, 2011 / 4:33 pm

    I've never had Ackee but I will give this recipe a try.

  147. Alf G
    April 15, 2011 / 4:22 pm

    Hello Chris. Is Ackee known by any other name/s. In case we can get them here . ? Thanks.

  148. mary blair
    April 15, 2011 / 3:30 pm

    i just recently started trying reciepts from caribbean pot and fine myself enjoying it very much. i,m going to give this saltfish and ackee a try. i have never heard of ackee. the dish looks delious on your page

  149. Valerie Perotte
    April 15, 2011 / 3:23 pm

    I just received a bag of akees (frozen) from my Jamaican friend….so your recipe is very timely…can't wait to pick up some green cooking bananas and some yams top go with it ..Thamks ever so much…

  150. April 15, 2011 / 3:20 pm

    Love to try this recipe…. ackeee and salt fish. thanks Chris.

  151. Anne
    April 15, 2011 / 3:04 pm

    I love saltfish. And your recipes always look yummie, all of them. Thanks a lot.

  152. marlene babooram
    April 15, 2011 / 2:39 pm

    true it very similar to our tomato and saltfish dish in trinidad, talking about dat i could eat some dumplings and tomato and saltfish today.

  153. marlene babooram
    April 15, 2011 / 2:34 pm

    i would love to try d ackee since i have never had it before it looks very yummy.

    April 15, 2011 / 1:10 pm

    I also love NAME THAT FRUIT.I live in St.Croix maybe you should come visit.

    April 15, 2011 / 1:09 pm

    I am really hoping to win this cook book. I love cooking and I really enjoy trying new recipes.

    April 15, 2011 / 1:07 pm

    i love your recipes. especially the curry goat

  157. dianne
    April 15, 2011 / 12:37 pm

    love the recipies here…..gr8 stuff

  158. Jocelyn
    April 15, 2011 / 10:55 am

    Love saltfish. This recipe looks delicious!

  159. Chrisine King
    April 15, 2011 / 10:42 am

    O.K…… so now I have to go and get saltfish….My husband (deceased 19 yrs ago) was from Trinidad and he got me hooked on him : ) …and of course the food. I have kept it up and two of our three kids really enjoy it as well as our four grandchildren ( which he never knew)
    Thank you so very much for the great recipes and the step by step instructions, much appreciated !

  160. Margaret Ann Maximin
    April 15, 2011 / 10:31 am

    I would really like to try this one – i was in Jamaica quite a few years ago, saw this dish and was afraid to try, but since i am seeing all the ingredients and every thing is laid out and displayed. I will certainly be trying it. Tks a lot

  161. sibongile
    April 15, 2011 / 10:26 am

    Hi Chris. I am a southa african woman married to a Jamaican man. I have been looking for lovely carribean recipes for some time. I happened to google for carribean beef soup and came accross your site. Since then i have made curry goat and the ackee and salt fish. My husband loved it and even said the food reminded him of his mum's cooking. What i particulalrly like is the step by step pictures . This makes the recipes easy to follow.

  162. Euklin Richards
    April 15, 2011 / 10:26 am

    I like the rhis recipe. It is very colourful, delicious and easy to make. All the ingredients are easy to get at any supermarket. And if you are a vegeterian its wonderful to serve with Pasta,dumplings and rice. Delicious. Yum Yum.

  163. Sonia
    April 15, 2011 / 10:21 am

    I’m a TrinJamEriBrit and this is my favorite Jamaican breakfast, especially with some fried dumplings. This recipe is spot on.

  164. Traci
    April 15, 2011 / 10:20 am

    Must admit that when I lived on Grand Cayman, I loved most of the Caribbean dishes that I ate, but Ackee and Codfish was not one of my favorites. Love Curried Goat, Stew Beef, Turtle, Conch Stew w/ Sea Pies, Stewed Whelk, anything "Jerk" and plenty of others…

  165. Yvonne
    April 15, 2011 / 10:01 am

    I love the step-by-step picture instructions – very helpful.

  166. walter
    April 15, 2011 / 10:00 am

    what exactly is ackee

  167. Lynda
    April 15, 2011 / 9:43 am

    had salt fish on holiday in jamaica so will definitely give this a try

  168. April 15, 2011 / 9:38 am

    oooooh, this looks GOOD!! i've never had ackee but i love saltfish… think i'll make some frybake to go with this 🙂

  169. celeste
    April 15, 2011 / 9:26 am

    I never Had achee…but i heard that it wonderful and seeing how its done it really look appetizing.But really love salt fish.thank for the recipe always look forward to try something new.

  170. Sharley
    April 15, 2011 / 9:15 am

    Tried your Trini Stew Chicken recipe yesterday and served it up with Black Beans in Coconut Milk and rice….Was a hit with the family 🙂 Even my 1 yr old had her fill! As for the Ackee recipe…Love ackee with ham, jerk pork or bacon…try it, it's reeeaaly good! Cheers!

  171. Candy
    April 15, 2011 / 9:14 am

    Never ate it .. I've been a vegan my whole life… 😛

  172. Sindy
    April 15, 2011 / 9:11 am

    i love love saltfish, saltfish with anything. what is ackee? never had it

  173. richard
    April 15, 2011 / 9:10 am

    I only had this once in Trinidad and that was from a friend of mine whose mother was from Jamaica.
    I tend to stay with buljol etc as i love salt fish but i know i can make this so will surely try it out.Looks delicious!!!Thanks Chris.

  174. Patrina
    April 15, 2011 / 8:56 am

    I could actually remember the first time I had saltfish and cassava when i was a child….it was that good! Would love to try ackee and salftfish. Your recipes are awesome Chris!!!

  175. Dionna
    April 15, 2011 / 8:35 am

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for all the wonderful recipes. This recipe sounds tasty, but I'm not sure what an Ackee is and where to buy it. Do you have any suggestions?

  176. mya
    April 15, 2011 / 8:24 am

    I like your method of cooking ackee… It looks tasty. Show the other methods when you have a chance to.

  177. Marion de Castro
    April 15, 2011 / 8:11 am

    I love cooking and making different things and as I never had ackee that is the first one that am going to make .

  178. Antonia Tonébêbê
    April 15, 2011 / 8:03 am

    can someone describe what ackee tastes like?

  179. savitri
    April 15, 2011 / 7:49 am

    Have never made ackee but i'll be sure to try this recipe. Absolutely love any dish with saltfish.

  180. MrsBayne
    April 15, 2011 / 7:44 am

    I have had different versions of this whenever I have visited a different family members, who are from Trinidad, but I am going to give this version a try for sure! Have never had the ackee, but I'm willing to give it a try … like my mother always said, "how can you say you don't like something if you have never tried it".

  181. JetGal
    April 15, 2011 / 7:31 am

    My mouth is watering. Thanks for all the great recipes and info!

  182. donna
    April 15, 2011 / 7:29 am

    hey Chris i 'ver heard of ackee before but never eaten it i'll see if Hilo sells it i see its a grace product so i 'll see if they have it, it looks like a delicious receipe will have to try it ,by the way i just made boil cassava , boil dasheen and fry them both together with saltfish some onion ,garlic and hot pepper .and i made fry carite then curried it to accompanied the provision. .Just tought I'd make yuh mouth water.
    anyhow I'ver always enjoyed recieving your receipes keep up the good work.

  183. gale
    April 15, 2011 / 7:29 am

    Never has ackee either.. but that sure looks good! Love saltfish w/ tomatoes 🙂

  184. stacey-ann
    April 15, 2011 / 7:20 am

    i love ackee and saltfish and i always wanted to make it and am going to try this one. props to the sequence of the pictures that are displayed showing how it should be prepared. love it.

  185. Sherry-Ann
    April 15, 2011 / 7:20 am

    Another new thing to try. But where can I get canned ackee in Trinidad?

  186. Jay
    April 15, 2011 / 7:19 am

    Thanks Chris. It's great to finally have a recipe for Ackee and Saltfish. Anytime I feel like eating Ackee and Saltfish I have to go to a Jamaican Restaurant to have it and sometimes when I get there they are out of it. Now I will be eating my own with no fear of running out of it.

  187. Ife' Chambers
    April 15, 2011 / 7:16 am

    Caribbean Pot is wonderful! As a person of Caribbean heritage who has lived in the U.S. for over 30 years, it brings back some dishes I've forgotten, and adds new methods to some I remember. My kids love it! I qalso refer many friends to your site. Love you!
    Ife' Chambers

  188. Devi
    April 15, 2011 / 7:12 am

    I never had ackee…but I love saltfish…adds flavour to any dish..yum! hehe

    I heard you have to be careful with the ackee though…esp when using fresh ones as you can only use the ones that are open…the others will be poisonous!

  189. shanita
    April 15, 2011 / 7:10 am

    I love your recipes and so do my family, i have never tried akee before but after your post its a must. Thank you so much for sharing.

  190. Devi Ramberran-Narine
    April 15, 2011 / 7:08 am

    I never had ackee…but i love saltfish…adds flavour to any dish..yum! hehe.

    I heard you have to be careful with the ackee though esp when using the fresh ones as you can only use the ones that are open…the others will be poisonous!

    • Jamaican
      August 31, 2012 / 10:50 pm

      Yes, you must ensure you get the pods that are open. The pods will have a about 3 or so "pegs" of ackee. Inside each peg is a little red thing that must be removed.

      I love ackee and salt fish but not with sweet pepper. I think it kills the taste.

  191. Elaine
    April 15, 2011 / 6:51 am

    I hear a lot of people talk about akee and saltfish but I never wanted to try it until I see this pic
    this look sooo delicious

  192. Anandi Beharrysingh
    April 15, 2011 / 6:47 am

    Hey! I came across your site one day when i was looking for a Shadon beni recipie…I must say i am very impressed with the manner in which you post the recipies! The step by step explanations with pictures at every stage are very effective! I love the fact that you focus on so many wonderful traditional recipies from the caribbean…whether it be saltfish buljol or buss up shut and curry cabbage! Going through the recipies brings back so many childhood memories and sometimes leave you saying…"' Aye! I always wondered how they made that!" I'm a big fan of all dishes caribbean and your site is a place where they are worshipped! Thanks for all the great work! Keep it up!

  193. chard Peters
    April 15, 2011 / 1:57 am

    i always thought ackee was a fish but i guess i was wrong very informative thank alot

  194. Ann-Marie
    April 14, 2011 / 10:05 pm

    I love ackee and saltfish, made it once but it didn't come out right. I would love to win a caribbean cookbook but the pasta one would be great also because I love pasta…

  195. Sylvia
    April 14, 2011 / 10:04 pm

    Love, love saltfish. I can eat at any time.

  196. La2
    April 14, 2011 / 9:59 pm

    Don't think my previous post went thru correctly…..I have never tried ackee but I like salt fish…my hubby's family is from Jamaica, St Thomas and St Croix., your recipes give me a chance at doing some real caribbean cooking!,,,

  197. Lynda
    April 14, 2011 / 9:56 pm

    Have never tried ackee but I like salt fish… hubby's family is from Jamaica

  198. April 14, 2011 / 9:51 pm

    This recipe looks sooo delicious, i think im gonna make it tomorrow night!!!

  199. dana pettie
    April 14, 2011 / 9:41 pm

    cant wait to try this dish.

  200. jia singh
    April 14, 2011 / 9:33 pm

    hi i tried a few of your recipies and they turned out great… thankss.

  201. Rav K
    April 14, 2011 / 9:32 pm

    Funny thing is… becuase i enjoy your recipes so much was just looking at the book section for that book you have on your main page and ended up broswing all the cbbean cullinary books 😀 My gf is ukrainian and she does stew chicken very well but thats the extent of it haha! Enter me in this comp so we can get her recipes 🙂

  202. Lizzie
    April 14, 2011 / 9:31 pm

    I have never had ackee……………which is so sad since I right here in Trini and saltfish buljol is one of my faves>>>>>>>>>>>>trust that I will be having this very soon! 😀

  203. franzfannon2011
    April 14, 2011 / 9:31 pm

    I just want to show my support foe a fellow lover of Caribbean cuisine……although it would be nice to win But seriously Ackee and saltfish is delicious…but I omit the eggs.

  204. Rav K
    April 14, 2011 / 9:28 pm

    Funny thing is… becuase i enjoy your recipes so much was just looking at the book section for that book you have on your main page and ended up broswing all the cbbean cullinary books 😀 My gf is ukrainian and she does stew chicken very well but thats the extent of it haha! Enter me in this comp so we can get her recipes 🙂

  205. Andrea
    April 14, 2011 / 9:21 pm

    Love saltfish – can't wait to try dis! When I lived in WI , i Iknew how to preserve salt fish, now I've forgotten. Can anyone help? Remember the layers of rock salt but…….

    • LB1
      April 17, 2011 / 6:13 pm

      I never knew how to salt fish personally, but I found the following via google (salting fish).… I don't know if it will work, but I hope it does for you.

      I love ackee and saltfish, but I have never had it with peppers. I love how creative Caribbean people can be and make a recipe our own.

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