In Memory Of Karen Nicole Smith, 1972 - 2016

Curry Goat With Pigeon Peas.

Across the Caribbean we’ve got our ‘own’ way of making Curry Goat and over the years I’ve shared the sort of Classic Curry Goat, an Outdoor Fiery Curry Goat, Slow Cooker Curry Goat, a One Hour Curry Goat using a pressure cooker, Curry Goat Done In The Oven and the Classic Jamaican Curry Goat. While they’re all brilliant recipes, this version is a bit different and probably the easiest as you’re about to learn.

3 lbs goat (with bones)
1 lemon (juice)
1 medium onion (sliced)
8 cloves garlic (smashed)
3/4 tablespoon ground masala
1 teaspoon ground roasted cumin (geera)
5-7 bird’s eye peppers
2 tablespoon Caribbean Green Seasoning
3/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon turmeric
3 tablespoon curry powder
3/4 tablespoon grated ginger
3 bay leaves
3/4 tablespoon salt (adjust)
1 large tomato (diced)
1 1/2 cups pigeon peas
5-7 cups water
3 tablespoon chopped chadon beni (culantro)

Notes! May I recommend that you follow along with the video below as much more about the recipe is discussed there. If making this recipe gluten free, please go through the full list of ingredients to ensure they meet your specific gluten free dietary requirements. Should you not have lemon juice to wash the goat, you may use lime juice or 1/4 cup of white vinegar. While boneless goat means not having to deal with bones when you serve this curry dish, IMHO you get a deeper flavor with bone-in meats.

Get your butcher to cut the goat for you (if you’re using bone-in as I did) as the bones will be very tough to cut at home. Then wash with the juice of the lemon and cool water. Drain, then place in your large pot on a medium/low flame. As explained in the video, the goal is to render out some of the fat and discard it.

After about 25-30 minutes I removed most of the fat that rendered, but I did leave back about a tablespoon in the pot. It’s now time to add the Onion, garlic, Caribbean Green Seasoning, geera (ground roasted cumin), black pepper, ground Masala and Bird’s Eye peppers. You may use any spicy peppers you like and in the amounts you can tolerate. Stir well and cook for 3-5 minutes.

After this add the turmeric, curry powder and ginger and cook for about 3-5 minutes. The goal is to cook out the rawness of the curry and in doing so, we’ll bloom the spices which make up a good curry powder.

Add the rinsed (was frozen) pigeon peas along with the tomato and bay leaves. I much prefer using Bay leaves than Curry leaves, but that’s just my choice. Stir well.

Turn the heat to medium high, add the salt and 5 cups of water to the pot. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer for 2 and 1/2 hours. During the cooking process I did end up adding an additional 2 cups of water to the pot. Yes, stir every 20-30 minutes.

Depending on the age of the goat when it was butchered, it should be tender at this point. Here’s where you’ll now taste and adjust the salt to your liking and determine if the gravy is as thick as you’d like it. Keep in mind that it will further thicken as it cools.

Toss in the chopped shado beni (culantro) or should you not have that on hand, cilantro (coriander) will also work.

Serve with rice or Buss Up Shut Roti and a side of Mango Talkari.



  1. Liz Whitney
    July 15, 2024 / 5:37 am

    Greetings Chris!

    A friend of mine, who is Trini-American, introduced me to you on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and your website. I am very eager to begin my journey to learn how to cook Caribbean pot cuisine. I just purchased your cookbook and can’t wait to get started!

    I just splurged on my very first Le Creuset cast-iron Dutch oven, which I should receive in two days. I have all my spices including green seasoning. I just have to find some fresh Chadon Beni. I also purchased two Chadon Beni plants so I will have fresh leaves readily available when I need it.

    I feel confident that I can learn to cook Caribbean cuisine with your guidance. Thank you so much for all that you do!

    Kind regards,

    Liz Whitney.

    • admin
      July 16, 2024 / 11:17 am

      Hello Liz, glad you’ve found our little space on the internet. Welcome!

  2. Luizinha fernandes
    May 26, 2024 / 5:37 pm

    where can you get Caribbean green seasoning i like to know can you get it from amazon

    • admin
      May 27, 2024 / 6:10 pm

      there are recipes on the website

  3. Esther
    May 24, 2024 / 9:32 am

    Wow! I will have to try thus version, keep on cooking Chris.

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