In Memory Of Karen Nicole Smith, 1972 - 2016

Cantaloupe Cucumber Kale Smoothie.

kale smoothie (7)

If you’ve been keeping score you’ll realize that we’re up to day 4 or simply the 4th smoothie recipe is this the first annual Week Of Smoothies at While you won’t automatically associate Kale and Cantaloupe with the Caribbean, the last few times I was down on the islands I saw them both readily available. I assume the same way we can get any tropical fruits and vegetables in North America, you’re seeing the reverse on the islands. Luv it!

You’ll Need…

1/2 medium cantaloupe
2 small cucumbers
2 oranges (juice)
2 cups chopped kale
1 tablespoon Honey/Agave – optional

kale smoothie (1)

I used cucumbers (dill type) from my garden, so I removed the seeds and gave them a rough chop. I did peel one and left the other with the skin on. If you’re using an English cucumber, you don’t have to peel nor core. Trim off the tough stems off the kale and give them a rough chop (be sure to wash them good first).

kale smoothie (2)

Peel, seed and rough-chop the cantaloupe. Load everything into the blender, including the juice of the oranges.

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kale smoothie (4)


It’s just a matter of blending smooth now. You can go in with a bit of honey or agave if you wish.. but not only am I cutting back on my sugar, the cantaloupe added enough sweetness to this smoothie for my liking. Remember to chill the oranges, cantaloupe and cucumber for a cool drink (this way you don’t have to add any ice).

kale smoothie (5)

kale smoothie (6)

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Recipe Name
Cantaloupe Cucumber Kale Smoothie
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